What is the general information about the Ariton School

What is the general information about the Ariton School?

The Ariton School is a public school located in a remote rural area located in the town of Ariton, Alabama. The school provides education at PK-12 levels and the student population is 784. The proportion of students who scored at or above proficiency level in mathematics was 62%, while the proportion of those who scored at or above this level in reading was 57%.

The school’s minority student enrollment is at 22% and the student-teacher ratio is recorded at 17, which is the same as schools throughout the district. While 46% of the student population consists of female students, 54% consists of male students. Ariton School accepts 45% of economically disadvantaged students. There are 45 equivalent full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counsellor working at the school.

What is the 2021 Ranking of Ariton School ?

Ariton School is 220th in the ranking of Alabama Elementary Schools. 23 in the ranking of Alabama Middle Schools, while ranked No. he is in the queue. These rankings were determined based on the performance of schools across the state on mandatory exams, graduation rates, and high school readiness levels.

Information about Test Scores at Ariton School

At Ariton School, 62% of the students scored at or above proficiency level in mathematics, while 57% scored at or above this level in reading. According to these data, while there was a lower performance in mathematics regionally, a better result was achieved in reading. Of the students in Dale County, 55% tested at or above an adequate level in reading, while 62% achieved this level in mathematics. Ariton School performed more successfully in mathematics and reading on this measure compared to students in the state. In Alabama, 43% of the students achieved on grade level or above adequate for reading, while 45% achieved this level in mathematics.

How can we communicate with the Ariton School?

264 Creel Richardson Drive, Ariton, AL 36311|(334) 762-2371|

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