What general information do you need to know about the Auburn Early Education Center

What general information do you need to know about the Auburn Early Education Center?

Auburn Early Education Center is a small urban school located in Auburn, Alabama and is PK-2 (Preschool-2. it offers education at the (classroom) levels. The student population of the school consists of 448 students.

Minority student enrollment at this school is 41%, which is an important part of diversity. The student-teacher ratio is 15:1, which is a better ratio than other schools throughout the district and can provide students with more individual attention.

45% of the student population consists of female students and 55% consists of male students. The school accepts 25% of economically disadvantaged students, which reflects the school’s efforts towards social equality.

There are 29 full-time equivalent teachers at the Auburn Early Learning Center, and there is also 1 full-time school counselor who provides guidance to students. This demonstrates the school’s commitment to providing qualified education and support to students.

What is the 2021 Ranking of the Auburn Early Learning Center ?

The Auburn Early Education Center does not have a specific ranking among elementary schools in Alabama.Dec. Therefore, the school’s performance is evaluated based on its results in state-mandated exams, graduation rates, and achievements in successfully preparing its students for high school.

Ranking schools with such assessments is done with the aim of encouraging them to make efforts to offer the best education to students and prepare them for a successful future. Therefore, schools such as the Auburn Early Learning Center maintain their mission of preparing their students in the best possible way, focusing on maximizing the potential of each student.

What is known about the Test Scores at the Auburn Early Learning Center?

Data on student performance in math and reading are not available at the Auburn Center for Early Education.

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