What are the general characteristics of Allentown Elementary School

What are the general characteristics of Allentown Elementary School?

Allentown Elementary School is a public school located in a rural area in Semmes, AL. The school serves 761 students and covers levels PK-5. In mathematics, 55% of the students scored above the proficiency level, while 50% achieved this success in reading. Minority student enrollment is 38%, and the student-teacher ratio is better by district standards, at 17. 52% of the student population of the school consists of girls and 48% of male students. In addition, it provides diversity by admitting 53% of economically disadvantaged students. The school provides education to the students with 45 full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counselor.

What is the Allentown Elementary School 2021 Ranking?

Allentown Elementary School is 352nd in the ranking of Alabama Elementary Schools. he’s probably lined up. The school has been ranked by evaluating its students according to criteria such as their success in the exams required by the state, graduation rates and how well they prepare their students for high school.

Test Scores at Allentown Elementary School

At Allentown Elementary School, 55% of the students achieved on grade level or better in mathematics, while 50% achieved that level or better in reading. According to these metrics, the school’s math and reading performance is above the district average. Only 39% of students in Mobile County Public Schools achieved an adequate level or higher in reading, while 44% scored at this level or higher in mathematics. Allentown Elementary School performs higher in math and reading compared to students statewide. In Alabama, only 43% of students scored at an adequate level or higher in reading, while 45% were successful at that level or higher in mathematics.

What is the contact information of Allentown Elementary School?

10330 Howells Ferry Rd, Semmes, AL 36575 | (251) 221-1000 |

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