What are the general characteristics known about Austinville Elementary School

What are the general characteristics known about Austinville Elementary School?

Austinville Elementary School is a public school located in the small city of Decatur, Alabama. The school provides education at PK-5 levels and serves a total of 390 students.

The school’s performance in terms of math and reading skills is as follows: 33% of the students at Austinville Elementary School achieved an adequate level or above in math, while 16% achieved a level or above in reading.

The school’s minority student enrollment is quite high, reaching 82%. This indicates that the school is home to students from various cultural and ethnic groups.

The student-teacher ratio is 17, which is slightly higher than the district. A lower student-teacher ratio allows teachers to pay more attention to individual students.

51% of the student population of the school consists of female students and 49% consists of male students. The gender distribution is distributed in a relatively balanced way.

88% of economically disadvantaged students are educated at Austinville Elementary School. This highlights the importance of the school in providing support to this group of students.

In total, the school employs 22 full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counselor. Austinville Elementary School strives to increase students’ academic achievement and respond to their different needs.

What is the Austinville Elementary School’s 2021 Ranking?

Austinville Elementary School is Dec. 499-665 among Alabama Elementary Schools. is ranked. These rankings are determined based on schools’ statewide performance, graduation rates, and success in preparing their students for high school.

The school’s position in the ranking is based on the performance of its students in the compulsory exams. In this context, it may have caused the academic achievements of Austinville Elementary School students to rank lower in the ranking overall.

Success in preparing students for high school is also part of this ranking. Austinville Elementary School’s performance in this area may also affect its place in the ranking.

Achieving higher rankings, especially in such rankings, shows that the school should work towards the goals of providing students with a better education and increasing their academic achievement.

Test Scores at Austinville Elementary School

The test scores of the students of Austinville Elementary School are an important indicator that evaluates the math and reading skills of the students. According to the latest data, the test results of the school’s students are as follows:

In mathematics: 33% of the school’s students scored at or above adequate level in mathematics. This shows that mathematics skills are an area that needs to be improved.

In reading: 16% of the students achieved an adequate level or above in reading. This points to another important area where reading skills need to be improved.

Student success can vary depending on many factors, such as the school’s educational strategies, the influence of teachers, and student resources. These results show that the school needs to think about various methods and resources in order to increase its academic achievements and provide students with a better education.

How can I contact Austinville Elementary School?

2320 Clara Ave Sw, Decatur, AL 35601 | (256) 552-3050 |

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