Overview of Adams Elementary School

Overview of Adams Elementary School

Adams Elementary School is a public school located in Gadsden, Alabama, located in a small urban setting. The school has a student population of 408 and serves levels PK-5. At Adams Elementary School, 22% of the students scored at or above proficient in math, while 27% scored at or above that level in reading.

A notable feature of the school in terms of student demographics is its 90% minority student enrollment. The student-teacher ratio is 15, which is on a par with other schools in the district. The student population consists of 49% female students and 51% male students. In addition, the school accepts 80% of economically disadvantaged students. There are a total of 27 equivalent full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counsellor.

What is the Adams Elementary School 2021 Ranking?

Adams Elementary School has a ranking Dec. 499-665 among elementary schools in Alabama. Dec. This ranking is determined by factors such as schools’ success on state-determined exams, graduation rates, and how well they prepare their students for high school.

Test Scores results at Adams Elementary School

At Adams Elementary School, only 22% of students scored at an adequate level or above on math exams, while 27% achieved this on reading exams. According to these metrics, it seems that the school shows a lower achievement in math and reading compared to regional comparisons. For example, in Gadsen County City, 40% of the students performed at an adequate level or above on the reading exams, while 43% achieved this level on the math exams. This shows that Adams Elementary School is lagging behind in terms of math and reading achievement compared to students across Alabama. Across the state of Alabama, 43% of students performed at an adequate level or above on the reading exams, while 45% did well on the math exams at this level.

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