Overview of Academy for Science Foreign Language

Overview of Academy for Science Foreign Language

Science Academy Foreign Language is a magnet school located in a medium-sized city located in Huntsville, Alabama. This educational institution has a student population of 332 students and provides education at PK-8 level. 51% of the students at Bilim Academy of Foreign Languages exceeded the proficiency level in mathematics, while 59% achieved the proficiency level or above in reading. 78% of the students at the school are from minority groups. The student-teacher ratio is better than the district as a whole and is set at 13. 45% of the student population of the school is girls and 55% is boys. The Science Academy accepts 60% of economically disadvantaged students in foreign Languages. In total, the school has 26 full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counselor on site.

Academy for Science Foreign Language 2021 Rankings

Academy of Science Foreign Language, 266th in the ranking of Alabama Elementary Schools. while ranked, 65th in the ranking of Alabama Secondary Schools. is ranked. These rankings are determined according to the success of schools in the exams required by the state, graduation rates and the success of their students in transferring to high school.

Test Scores at Academy for Science Foreign Language

At the Academy of Natural Sciences Foreign Language Academy, 51% of the students scored at or above adequate level in mathematics, while 59% scored at or above this level in reading. In relation to this measurement, it is observed that the school performs better in mathematics and reading compared to the Huntsville City district. 44% of Huntsville City students achieved on grade level or above adequate for reading, while 43% achieved on grade level or above in mathematics.

In addition, the Academy of Science achieved better results in Foreign Languages, mathematics and reading on these metrics compared to students statewide. 43% of Alabama’s students achieved on grade level or above in reading, while 45% achieved on grade level or above in mathematics. Therefore, it can be said that the school contributes to the students’ better performance in these basic skills.

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