Overview of Abrams Elementary School

Overview of Abrams Elementary School

Abrams Elementary School is a public school located in Bessemer, Alabama. The school is located in a large suburban setting and the student population is 240. Abrams Elementary School provides educational services to levels PK-5. 17% of the students at the school scored at or above adequate level in mathematics, while the same proportion of students achieved at or above this level in reading.

In terms of the school’s student demographics, minority student enrollment is quite high, at 98%. The student-teacher ratio is quite good compared to the district and is set at 17. While 48% of the student population consists of female students, 52% consists of male students. Abrams Elementary School enrolls 88% of economically disadvantaged students. The school employs 14 equivalent full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counsellor.

What is the Abrams Elementary School 2021 Rankings?

Abrams Elementary School is Dec. 499-665 among the elementary schools in Alabama. it is located in the ranking. Schools are ranked according to their performance on state-mandated exams, graduation rates, and their performance in successfully preparing students for high school.

Test Scores at Abrams Elementary School

The performance of the students in Abrams Elementary School related to mathematics and reading skills was evaluated. The proportion of students who scored at or above proficiency level in mathematics was recorded as 17%, while the proportion of students who achieved the same level of success in reading was recorded as 17%. These measurements were made in order to evaluate the overall academic performance of the school.

However, when we compared these success rates with similar schools at the district and state level, some important differences emerged. At other schools in Bessemer City, 24% of students performed at or above an adequate level in reading skills, while 26% achieved this level of achievement in mathematics. This shows that Abrams Elementary School is lagging behind district schools in these two important areas.

Moreover, we find that Abrams Elementary School performs lower on both of these measures compared to students statewide. 43% of Alabama’s students scored at or above proficiency level in reading skills, while 45% achieved this level of achievement in mathematics. Therefore, we can say that the school needs to make more efforts in general in these two important academic areas.

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